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Birthday gift ideas for kids

May 30, 2023 5 min read

Birthday gift ideas for kids

If you’re one of the rare few people that are super organised and have already bought a bunch of presents for all the kids birthday parties you have to attend - well done to you. The rest of us,about 90% of us, are usually scrambling to get something together at the last minute. There’s even been times where the birthday parties got so hectic, we’re buying presents for kids on the way to the party and wrapping them up in the car park before arriving - it can be hectic! 

We asked kids, toddlers and even some teenagers what they love for their birthdays and what was their ‘favourite’ present. Read on to nail kids birthday gifts at any age. 

Harper, age 7 “ One of my favourite gifts was earrings, when I got my ears pierced”As long as you know the child who you’re buying for has their ears pierced. You’re off to a great start! There are so many different types, varieties, colours and styles to choose from. And one can never have too many! 

Finn, age 2 “ Jumping in puddles”We’re not quite sure how to give someone a puddle for their birthday, but little Finn raises a very good point. If he loves jumping in puddles, he’s probably going to love rain overalls or cute gum boots. Jump away and get as messy as you like Finn because you’re going to be nice and dry inside. A win-win kids birthday gift idea for the parents and the little one! 

Kids birthday gift ideas
Rupert Britton, Unsplash.

Hunter age 4“ I love all my gifts, I love iron man and batman and I love all my toys”Okay so clearly Hunter has a lot of toys. Hunter probably doesn’t need any more toys. What he does need is an entire toy organisation storage unit. You’ll usually find them at furniture stores or Ikea and they are super handy to store large, small and bulky toys, but most importantly, kids actually love having a place to store their toys. And now you have bargaining power to say “if you don’t pack and store all of your toys away you don’t get to watch Bluey tonight”. This one is usually a good one for family members to all chip in together as a large group present. 

Lola, age 11 “ I love my tie dye kit”This is a great present to give kids of all ages. They can get creative and tie dye sheets or socks and even pencil cases. There’s a lot to be said about the quality family time that you can gain from just doing a little DIY with your kids. Another win-win all around. 

Birthday gift ideas kids

Polly age 12“ I got flowers last year and no one has ever bought me flowers, I loved it so much” You’d think kids wouldn’t be all that impressed with flowers, but they really it’s the actual total surprise and the sentimental thought that goes into a personalised jar too. As the eldest of six siblings, Polly laughed at the personalised jar message ‘First born family favourite’. With a range of fun add-ons, such as a lolly box, books and pamper essentials, the best part is seeing their face when it turns up at their school or doorstep. 

Archie, age 6, “I love  Where’s Wally” - You can’t beat a classic can you? It’s one where the whole family can get involved and you’ll be surprised how quickly kids can find it - quicker than us adults. Fun fact, did you know Wally is not known as “Wally” in all countries?In the United States and Canada he is known as “Where's Waldo”, in Denmark he is “Holger”, in France he is “Charlie” in "Où est Charlie" and in German “Walter”.

Amy (mother of a newborn baby)“I received a LVLY 'Welcome Little One' gift in hospital for my first born and I just recently received one for my second-born. It came with gorgeous flowers, and a pack of wooden milestone cards (perfect for someone like me who wants to capture every single moment) and a super-cute koala soft toy suitable for newborn age. This is so important too - I’ve received soft toys that aren’t quite for newborns and had to put them away until the baby is older. It was nice to take our ‘She’s arrived’ photo with the milestone cards.  

Maddie, age 6 “A   felt love heartthat was sewn into the pocket of my school uniform, so if I felt scared or nervous I can rub the love heart and know that my mum or dad is thinking of me” When kids start school, we want them to feel safe and secure. Some are ready and some take a little longer to adjust. The idea behind the felt love heart was so that Maddie had a way to connect to her parents and feel their presence, even though they weren’t physically there. Starting school is a big step - these small things make a big difference!”

Izzy, age 9 ''I  received a hard-cover kids growth-mindset journal’, it’s filled with lots of fun questions like “What would you do if you saw a bunch of zombies” to “if I could have three wishes what would they be” and other space for me to draw my thoughts and feelings. There’s an amazing one from Truly Amor that comes in three bright colours - something kids aged 6-12 will cherish. 

LVLY flower crown bridal wedding gift

Luna, age 7 “I got a  flower crown and I felt very special, I wore it on my head to school that day, instead of a birthday badge which everyone wears”. New to LVLY are the perfect accessory for a birthday. And the best part? The flowers are dried, so it can be used again and again. Luna was lucky enough to use hers walking down the aisle as a flower girl!

Ruben, age 16 “I got a tattoo. Just kidding, I wish. I got  tickets to the Australian Tattoo Expo, which showcases over 400 tattoo artists. It’s the closest I’ll get to a tattoo before I turn 18 and a chance to see some awesome designs”. Tickets or an experience to something is another way of letting your child do something for the first time and even nicer when they get to do it with you. 

What we’ve learned from most of these responses is that kids pretty much love anything that has some thought behind it. Not one of them said a gift voucher and nearly all responses are something that they like to do with someone they love or that makes them feel special. Which makes us think… the future generation we’re raising is going to be just fine. These kids are alright.

For more birthday gift inspo, check out our full range of birthday and celebration gifts, all with same-day delivery available!